Women's Discipleship Resources
The Heart of Discipling Women
Digital Library
This is a special collection of curated content on one specific topic: women discipling women.
This is a library not a course! You may choose to work sequentially through the content but be forewarned that may be akin to reading an encyclopedia! The stories, videos, articles, and tools contained can be used independently however the Lord may lead you. Ask Jesus to guide you and give you creative ideas for how to best utilize this content for your own personal growth as well as in your discipling of others.
Deb Entsminger & Jean Fleming
The Heart of Discipling Women library is organized into five sections:
Treasure to help grow the heart and the soft skills vital for discipling women.
A sample of tools and resources proven helpful for nurturing spiritual generations of women.
Suggested guides for how content from this library can be utilized in weekly Life-to-Life® discipleship.
Opportunity to gain vision for investing in women and to “see” what it can look like to utilize tools from this library.
Need help getting your bearings? Wondering where to start? Click here for guidance and support.
Welcome: Embarking
(Beginning the Journey)
An introduction to the Heart of Discipling Women Library featuring tools and resources to help women share the journey through Life-on-Life discipleship.
Collection 1: Evangelism
(Connecting with God)
Collection 2: Experiencing God
(Growing in Trust)
This collection contains tools and resources designed to help women experientially get to know God through His promises so they can grow in trusting Him and be prepared to wholeheartedly surrender to Him as His disciple.
Collection 3: Establishing
(What is a Disciple?)
This collection features training and tools designed to help women understand and gain a vision for being Jesus’ disciple and to facilitate women growing in being faithful, available and teachable (F.A.T.)
Collection 4: Embracing
(Identity In Christ)
What you believe about yourself deeply affects who you are, who you are becoming, and what you do. This collection provides opportunity to creatively explore and embrace the reality of who you are in Christ and help other women do so too.
Collection 5: Equipping
(Laboring for a Lifetime)
Discipleship training and tools designed to help women live life centered on Christ and experience the abundance of life Jesus paid so dearly to make available along with an in-depth exploration of the spiritual practices and rhythms that birth spiritual generations.
Women Discipling Women
Discipling for Generational Impact
The tools in this library have been designed to be pass-on-able for generational impact. This video shares the story of how the Lord has worked through discipleship tools in this library to impact four generations of believers.
Each of these women continue to pass on what was passed on to her so even more generations of women are coming to know Jesus. Through the process of discipleship, women are rooted and grounded in their walks with Him and share treasure with others, for the glory of God and for their joy!