Summer Training Programs
STP Director's Hub
This page provides an administrative resource for STP Directors and Collegiate staff who are planning Summer Training Programs.
Use this hub to easily find
Organizational Tasks
HQ Contacts
Other Helpful Planning Details
Selecting Your STP Onboarding Option:
Step 1: Review Onboarding Option Details: The chart below outlines some details, pros, and cons for your students and staff inherent to each option.
Step 2: Select Onboarding Option: Consider choosing an option that provides year-over-year consistency to both students and staff.
Step 3: Communicate Your Selection: Please email by January 31st with your STP Onboarding option selection. Feel free to email as early as you know!
Step 4: Start Preparing your STP: Click the matching links below to see a breakdown of administrative tasks and how to’s, all organized by timeline, to guide your preparation.
Overview of Onboarding Options
Option 1: Event
Student Fundraising: Not Available
Attending Onboarding Program: RegFox
Stipends: Not Available
Per Diems: No
Per Diem Method:
- Cash Advance (one-off situation)
- Simplest option
- Program fee collected as payment
- Ideal for programs without fundraising
No attendee fundraising
Option 2: Individually Fundraised Program
Student Fundraising: Fundraising through individual attendee cost centers
Attending Onboarding Program: Workday
Stipends: *Available
Per Diems: Yes
Per Diem Method:
- Direct Deposit (recurring need)
- Fundraising into individual attendee cost centers
- Use of Workday for onboarding
- Attendee funds subject to highest percentage of charges (16% total)
- Not available to programs shorter than 2 weeks in length
*Stipends are limited to a minimum of $250 and maximum of $2,500 in Option 2
Option 3: Pooled Fundraised Program
Student Fundraising: Fundraising through one or a small group of cost centers
Attending Onboarding Program: RegFox
Stipends: **Available
Per Diems: Yes
Per Diem Method:
- Cash Advance (one-off situation)
- Best of both worlds: Streamlined onboarding and allows attendees to fundraise program costs
- 3% less organizational charges to fundraising dollars (13% total as opposed to 16% with Option 2)
- Tracking gifts can be time consuming
**Stipends are limited to a minimum of $250 and maximum of $2,500 in Option 3. Additionally, only student team leaders and program assistants are eligible.
For an enhanced overview of onboarding options, click here.
Select an Option
Planning Your STP
Identify STP Location, Explore Housing Options For Attendees, Calculate Program Cost for Attendees, Start Recruiting Students, Update STP Program Website
STP Preparation
Select STP Onboarding Option, Attendee Application, Attendee Onboarding Tasks, Contracts, Meeting and Activity Insurance
Operating Your STP
Enjoy Your STP, Honorarium Requests, Outstanding Invoices
Fall (September – October)
- Identify location for STP and what meeting spaces, resources, etc. are needed to operate the program (Conference Centers, Hotels, Churches, Business Partnerships, etc.)
- Find Housing for Attendees and Staff
- Every year, it’s a good idea to review your program’s website and update the information and pictures to ensure accuracy.
- If you create a new webpage for your program and would like it highlighted on the Navigator’s Collegiate STP Page, please send the link to
- STP Location Costs- This includes housing expenses, food, cost of using an event center, activity fees, and cost of supplies for the program (shirts, Bible studies, etc.)
- Extra Fees to Factor In:
- 3% Credit card payment fee for payment
- $1.50 per registration on RegFox
- Optional Registration Fee- This is not a Navigator requirement but if you anticipate having some “front-end” costs, add this on to the end cost after calculating the total cost per student.
- STP Program Cost Calculator (LINK)
Winter (November-February)
Decide how students will apply to the program (Google Form, Email etc.)
Please send an email to the FSC Personnel team with the information below by the end of January:
- Onboarding Option Selection
- STP Director and Points of Contact
- Email:
- Follow this link ( to submit information for FSC Events to create a RegFox Registration Link for you
- Information that will be needed:
- Dates and location of your STP
- Registration prices (staff price, student price, etc)
- Coupon codes, discounts, or early-bird pricing
- You can collect a deposit up front and have the rest of the total taken out later if you prefer
- Cancellation policy (update standard cancellation policy with dates and refunded amount if necessary).
- Please note: you can make any exceptions to this policy you want. However, we encourage you to at least have it written out as it protects you from having to give someone a full refund if they cancel the day before your event.
- Any additional information you’d like to collect: t-shirt sizes, liability release from venue, travel itinerary, roommate request, etc.
- An FSC Events representative will be assigned to work with you to make sure the page looks the way you want it to.
- Signed releases of liability and media releases will be added to every registration page so that you will not need to collect that information in person. Other information that will be added: emergency contacts, dietary restrictions or physical limitations, Driver’s Authorization (Right Signature for non-staff), and Driver’s Training (MVR for non-staff and Driver’s Training specifically for Event).
- Credit and debit card payments will be automatically processed on RegFox. Navigator cost center transfers will be tracked and completed by FSC Finance every week: nothing else is required from you.
- FSC Events will set up automatic reports to send daily, weekly (Mondays or Fridays), or biweekly to the point person of your choice with all of the registration information collected. The report frequency can be changed at any time.
- For any questions, please reach out to
- All contracts that need to be signed with a vendor or facility must be approved by CARM (Corporate Affairs and Risk Management). To do so, send a draft of the contract (prior to being signed) to Michelle Alvis at:
- Contracts should be submitted no later than 3 months prior to the start of the event.
Spring (March-May)
- Prior to the start of your STP, you must get Meeting and Activity Insurance through the Navigator’s CARM Department. To do so, click the link below and complete all sections. - For questions related to Meeting and Activity Insurance, please contact Cindy Caruso at
Submit contract deposits or invoices to FSC Finance for payment at
If your staff will need to temporarily increase their P-Card limit, you can request the increase by emailing the Navigators Account Processing Team with the name of the staff member and the amount you’d like to increase to. The email address for the AP team is:
- Email FSC Finance at for a cash advance and provide the following information:
- Amount of cash advance
- Specific STP cost center to withdraw the the money from (Title and cost center number)
- Submit request 2 weeks prior to the need
- Note:
- Only a salaried employee of the Navigators may request a cash advance.
- You must report all approved cash advance requests through a Workday expense report in a timely manner
Summer – STP Operating (June-August)
- Honorariums to staff may be paid either to them personally (to their bank account with their paycheck) or transferred to their ministry account (cost center) – Be specific when you request
- Honorariums to non-staff will be paid by check or direct deposit (ask for form if desired)
- Submit honorarium requests (for staff or non-staff) to the finance team at: -Honorariums need to be submitted at least 2 weeks before the end of STP.
Note: Honorariums can be taxed at a high rate and based on individual tax elections. Be aware of the financial impact on your STP budget if paying multiple honorariums. It’s very possible to se a 20% increase in the honorarium expense if the amount is “grossed up”. A $500 honorarium “grossed up” actually costs the STP $600 for instance.
Pay invoices with your Pcard or send invoices to FSC Finance for payment at
Planning Your STP
Identify STP Location, Explore Housing Options For Attendees, Calculate Program Cost for Attendees, Start Recruiting Students, Update STP Program Website, Attendee Applications
STP Preparation
Select STP Onboarding Option, Attendee Fundraising, Complete Attendee Onboarding Tasks, Contracts, Paying Deposits, Meeting and Activity Insurance
Operating Your STP
Enjoy Your STP, Issue Stipends, Honorarium Requests, Outstanding Invoices
Fall (September – October)
- Identify location for STP and what meeting spaces, resources, etc. are needed to operate the program (Conference Centers, Hotels, Churches, Business Partnerships, etc.)
- Find Housing for Attendees and Staff
- Every year, it’s a good idea to review your program’s website and update the information and pictures to ensure accuracy.
- If you create a new webpage for your program and would like it highlighted on the Navigator’s Collegiate STP Page, please send the link to
- STP Location Costs – This includes housing expenses, food, cost of using an event center, activity fees, cost of supplies for the program (shirts, Bible studies etc.)
- Factor in Student Pay – If students are working jobs while attending the STP, consider the following questions:
- Are you expecting students to use money they make for food or play while at STP?
- What’s your expectation of how fundraised money is used compared to “take-home” money?
- Extra Fees to Factor In for students who fundraise:
- 12 % “Nav Charge”
- 3% Common Field Charge
- 1% Kairos Fund
- 3% Credit card payment fee on donations
- Total organizational fees: 19%
- Per Diem considerations: Will food be provided for every meal for students? Will there be some meals that students will be responsible for on their own? They can fundraise this! Average per diem is $50/week per student.
- Optional Registration Fee- This is not a Navigator requirement but if you anticipate having some “front-end” costs, add this on to the end cost after calculating the total cost per student.
- STP Program Cost Calculator (LINK)
Winter (November-February)
Please email FSC Personnel at: by the end of January with your onboarding option selection.
Decide how students apply to the program (Google Form, Email etc.)
How to Order Fundraising Supplies from the Nav Store:
- Log into the Navigator Store at
- If this is your first time logging into the store, please click “New User? Set Up Your Account Here” to complete the sign up.
- If you have forgotten your login you can select, “Need help logging in?” Enter your email and click “Submit.” Check your email inbox for an email with further instructions.
- Once you log in, at the top of the screen click “Fundraising” to customize fundraising materials and add them to your shopping cart.
For questions about ordering fundraising materials, please contact Staff Services at
To update Staff Pages, click the following link and follow the directions:
Please send an email to the FSC Personnel team with the information below by the end of January:
- Onboarding Option Selection
- STP Director and Points of Contact
- Email:
- All contracts that need to be signed with a vendor or facility must be approved by CARM (Corporate Affairs and Risk Management). To do so, send a draft of the contract (prior to being signed) to Michelle Alvis at:
- Contracts should be submitted no later than 3 months prior to the start of the event.
- Step 1: Email the FSC Personnel team at to set up a Workday Application link that the STP Director/Administrator will send out to students (we recommend that students not use .edu emails due to amount of emails not going through from Workday).
- Step 2: Send FSC Personnel a list of student’s names and the expected number of applicants.
- Step 3: Students will fill out the entire application and submit it.
Submit contract deposits or invoices to FSC Finance for payment at
Spring (March-May)
After students have completed the Workday application:
- FSC Personnel will send the MVR background check documents and the driver’s training. Both the MVR background check and driver’s training will be emailed to the student by FSC Personnel with instructions.
- Note: Students have 10 days to complete the MVR background check document.
Once the MVR is complete, the FSC Personnel team will send an offer letter that the students must accept. Once the offer letter is accepted, the FSC Personnel team will initiate the Workday process to create a NavID and Individual Cost Center for students. Please allow 2 business days for turnaround. Students will complete the following Workday tasks:
- W9
- Contact Information (students need to use their permanent address so they can receive their 1099s at end of the calendar year)
- Emergency Contacts
- Direct Deposit Information
- Note: Students need to complete these tasks within 5 days of receiving the initial email.
- Students having issues accessing Workday can email or call 844-894-6287, Mon-Fri 8-5PM MST.
- Weekly onboarding updates will be sent to the STP Director/Administrator by FSC Personnel. It is the responsibility of the STP Director/Administrator to communicate needed information to the rest of the region, campus leaders, and others involved.
All student onboarding needs to be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the STP.
Students can begin fundraising into their personnel cost center and access the Staff Financial Center once they have completed the steps above in Workday and their cost center has been created.
- Prior to the start of your STP, you will need to get Meeting and Activity Insurance through the Navigator’s CARM Department. To do, click here and complete all sections.
- For questions related to Meeting and Activity Insurance, please contact Cindy Caruso at
If your staff will need to temporarily increase their P-Card limit, you can request the increase by emailing the Navigators Account Processing Team with the name of the staff member and the amount you’d like to increase to. The email address for the AP team is:
- Per Diems for Option 2 are paid to STP attendees via Direct Deposit to their bank account. To set up a recurring payment to STP attendees, please complete the Per Diem Request Form PDF.
- For a one-off Per Diem need, you’ll need to request a Cash Advance following the steps below. This will allow you to give out cash to STP attendees for a meal.
Note: Per Diems are only eligible for students in Option 2 who have fundraised.
Email FSC Personnel at with information about any additional Navigator staff members helping plan the program (e.g. if you want us to contact a specific person about finance or administrative details). Please include their contact information and role.
Non receiptable payment can be collected via check or money order using the Navigator’s Non-receiptable Income Form and mailing it to HQ for students who want to pay all of or a portion of their program registration.
Non-receiptable payments are not viewed as donations.
Summer – STP Operating (June-August)
For a student attendee to receive a stipend, the following must be met:
- Attendees must be fully onboarded into Workday, including a completed W9 and Direct Deposit information. STP Program Staff have the responsibility of ensuring all stipend recipients have their onboarding complete or the student cannot receive the stipend.
- Issued stipends must be a minimum of $250 and maximum of $2,500 and rounded to the nearest $10.
- All stipends need to be requested no later than one week prior to end of STP.
- Stipends cannot be directly related to the amount the attendee fundraised but rather must be related to high performance, additional responsibilities, or being a team leader.
To submit a stipend request, email FSC Finance at with the student’s name and specific stipend amount. A spreadsheet with this information can be submitted for multiple stipend requests.
All student contracts will be ended in Workday at the end of the STP or August 31st (whichever comes first). If the STP ends after August 31st, please make sure to communicate that to FSC Personnel.
- Honorariums to staff may be paid either to them personally (to their bank account with their paycheck) or transferred to their ministry account (cost center) – Be specific when you request
- Honorariums to non-staff will be paid by check or direct deposit (ask for form if desired)
- Submit honorarium requests (for staff or non-staff) to the finance team at: –
- Honorariums need to be submitted at least 2 weeks before the end of STP.
Note: Honorariums can be taxed at a high rate and based on individual tax elections. Be aware of the financial impact on your STP budget if paying multiple honorariums. It’s very possible to se a 20% increase in the honorarium expense if the amount is “grossed up”. A $500 honorarium “grossed up” actually costs the STP $600 for instance.
Drop FSC Personnel a quick email telling them how awesome your STP was. Let them know the final date of the STP program.
Email FSC Personnel at with the names of any students that are dismissed or leave the STP program early. This is good-to-know information and can impact Per Diem direct deposits.
Planning Your STP
Identify STP Location, Explore Housing Options For Attendees, Calculate Program Cost for Attendees, Start Recruiting Students, Update STP Program Website
STP Preparation
Select STP Onboarding Option, Attendee Fundraising, Student Applications, Complete Attendee Onboarding Tasks, Contracts, Deposits, Meeting and Activity Insurance
Operating Your STP
Enjoy Your STP, Issue Stipends, Honorarium Requests, Outstanding Invoices
Fall (September – October)
- Identify location for STP and what meeting spaces, resources, etc. are needed to operate the program (Conference Centers, Hotels, Churches, Business Partnerships etc.)
- Find Housing for Attendees and Staff
- Every year, it’s a good idea to review your program’s website and update the information and pictures to ensure accuracy.
- If you create a new webpage for your program and would like it highlighted on the Navigator’s Collegiate STP Page, please send the link to
- STP Location Costs – This includes housing expenses, food, cost of using an event center, activity fees, and cost of supplies for the program (shirts, Bible studies etc.)
- Factor in Student Pay – If students are working jobs while attending the STP, consider the following questions:
Are you expecting students to use money they make for food or play while at STP?
What’s your expectation of how fundraised money is used compared to “take-home” money? - Extra Fees to Factor In:
- 12 % “Nav Charge”
- 1% Kairos Fund
- 3% Credit card payment fee on donations or payment
- Total Charges: 16%
- Optional Registration Fee – This is not a Navigator requirement but if you anticipate having some “front-end” costs, add this onto the end after calculating the total cost per student.
Winter (November-February)
Please email FSC Personnel at by the end of January with your onboarding option selection
Decide how students apply to the program (Google Form, Email etc.)
How to Order Fundraising Supplies from the Nav Store:
- Log into the Navigator Store at
- If this is your first time logging into the store, please click “New User? Set Up Your Account Here” to complete the sign up.
- If you have forgotten your login you can select, “Need help logging in?” Enter your email and click “Submit.” Check your email inbox for an email with further instructions.
- Once you log in, at the top of the screen click “Fundraising” to customize fundraising materials and add them to your shopping cart.
For questions about ordering fundraising materials, please contact Staff Services at
Pooled Fundraising Considerations:
There are two primary models for pooled fundraising:
- The first uses a singular cost center for all attendee fundraising.
- A second option is to use a small handful of cost centers (typically organized by campus).
For example, each campus in a region sending students to an STP uses a single campus cost center to pool funds from students located at that campus attending the program.
Review the intended cost center(s) for the pooled fundraising and notify FSC Finance if a new cost center needs to be created. Note, most STPs have pre-existing STP cost centers.
If using multiple cost centers, you will need to track which students are connected to which cost center and add that to the list of student information provided to FSC Personnel.
- Onboarding Option Selection
- STP Director and Points of Contact
- Email:
- Fill out this form to have FSC Events create a RegFox Registration Link for you
- Information that will be needed:
- Dates and location of your STP
- Registration prices (staff price, student price, etc)
- Coupon codes, discounts, or early-bird pricing
- You can collect a deposit up front and have the rest of the total taken out later if you prefer
- Cancellation policy (update standard cancellation policy with dates and refunded amount if necessary).
- Please note: you can make any exceptions to this policy you want. However, we encourage you to at least have it written out as it protects you from having to give someone a full refund if they cancel the day before your event.
- Any additional information you’d like to collect: t-shirt sizes, liability release from venue, travel itinerary, roommate request, etc.
- An FSC Events representative will be assigned to work with you to make sure the page looks the way you want it to.
- Signed releases of liability and media releases will be added to every registration page so that you will not need to collect that information in person. Other information that will be added: emergency contacts, dietary restrictions or physical limitations, Driver’s Authorization (Right Signature for non-staff), and Driver’s Training (MVR for non-staff and Driver’s Training specifically for Event).
- Credit and debit card payments will be automatically processed on RegFox. Navigator cost center transfers will be tracked and completed by FSC Finance every week: nothing else is required from you.
- FSC Events will set up automatic reports to send daily, weekly (Mondays or Fridays), or biweekly to the point person of your choice with all of the registration information collected. The report frequency can be changed at any time.
- For any questions, please reach out to
- For STPs intending on having the option for students to make non-receiptable program payments for their registration, please communicate this during the RegFox page setup with FSC Personnel.
All contracts that need to be signed with a vendor or facility must be approved by CARM (Corporate Affairs and Risk Management). To do so, send a draft of the contract (prior to being signed) to Michelle Alvis at:
Contracts should be submitted no later than 3 months prior to the start of the event.
Submit contract deposits or invoices to FSC Finance for payment at
Each STP will need to submit the following information to the FSC Personnel team at
- List of students’ names and email addresses
- Expected number of attendees
Spring (March-May)
- Students complete all onboarding tasks in RegFox.
- FSC Events will set up automatic reports to send daily, weekly (Mondays or Fridays), or bi weekly to the point person of your choice with all of the registration information collected. The report frequency can be changed at any time.
- For any questions, please reach out to
The STP Director/Administrator will notify students about how to start funding with the pooled funding model.
- The STP Director and assisting Navigator staff will monitor the STP Cost Center(s) as the pooled funding progresses. This monitoring helps to:
- Monitor progress on funding numbers
- Notify students of which donors gave so that “thank yous” can be written
- STPs onboarding via Option 3 face the challenge of tracking incoming gifts in a pooled fundraising model. This can be done in a couple of ways:
- Manual tracking by region staff: STP staff create a master spreadsheet of all student fundraising newsletter recipients. They then watch incoming donations and manually track which donors have given gifts intended for which students.
- Automated Tracking with Appeal Codes: For STPs desiring to use a pooled fundraising method for students but with a timesaving process of automated gift tracking, the STP can work with the FSC Collegiate Operations Manager to set up appeal codes. In this process, each student will have a unique appeal code that they can use in their funding that will be attached to a weekly report sent to the STP staff that portrays all of the gifts given to each student via their appeal code.
- This process changes slightly from year to year so please email Collin Russ at if you want to use this appeal code process for students attending your STP to talk about next steps.
- Due to the coordination with the Development team, in order to have appeal codes prepared in time for students to start fundraising, the decision to use appeal codes in fundraising must be determined by January 31st.
Per Diems for Option 3 are paid through Cash Advances to Navigator Staff and are appropriate for one-off Per Diem needs. Example: a special dinner out for team leaders etc. A Cash Advance allows Navigator staff to give cash to STP attendees to purchase a meal.
Email FSC Personnel at with information about any additional Navigator staff members helping plan the program (e.g. if you want us to contact a specific person about finance or administrative details). Please include their contact information and role.
If your staff will need to temporarily increase their P-Card limit, you can request the increase by emailing the Navigators Account Processing Team with the name of the staff member and the amount you’d like to increase to. The email address for the AP team is:
- Prior to the start of your STP, you will need to get Meeting and Activity Insurance through the Navigator’s CARM Department. To do so, click here and complete all sections.
- For questions related to Meeting and Activity Insurance, please contact Cindy Caruso at
- Email FSC Finance at for a cash advance and provide the following information:
- Amount of cash advance
- Specific STP cost center to withdraw the the money from (Title and cost center number)
- Submit request 2 weeks prior to the need
- Note:
- Only a salaried employee of the Navigators may request a cash advance.
- You must report all approved cash advance requests through a Workday expense report in a timely manner
STPs can have their Regfox page set up that will allow students to make non-receiptable payments for their program registration. As a non-receiptable payment, these funds will not be viewed as a donation and can only be paid by the student themselves. To use the Non-Receiptable STP Registration Payment Process:
- Regfox Page Setup: FSC is notified during onboarding option selection by the STP that they envision pooled fundraising with the option of students to pay non receiptable registrations or portions of registrations
- FSC creates the Regfox page allowing for this feature using one of the tools below (or a combination) based on the needs of the STP:
- One registration cost with coupon codes to reduce payments by certain amounts
- An open payment amount field in which registrants can input the amount to be paid
- Stepped registration options at different amounts (i.e. $300, $400, $500)
- All pages will include a reminder that the payment is not tax-deductible.
- FSC creates the Regfox page allowing for this feature using one of the tools below (or a combination) based on the needs of the STP:
- Payment Amounts: STP staff direct students to the Reg Fox page for non-receiptable payments
- For students desiring to pay for the entire STP registration
- For students needing to pay a remaining balance if fundraising is short- STP staff will notify students of the exact payment amount to make on Regfox.
*STPs will be responsible for tracking student payments and ensuring the appropriate funds are collected from their attendees
- Other Situations
- Friends or family desiring to make a non-receiptable payment- Direct them to pay the student who in turn will make a single payment on Regfox for their program registration
- Student has cash or check- Submit a check or money order using the Navigator’s Non-Receiptable Income Form and mailing it to HQ
Summer – STP Operating (June-August)
- For an attendee to receive a stipend, the following must be met:
- Student Team Leaders and Program Assistants are the only individuals eligible for stipends in option 3.
- Issued stipends must be a minimum of $250 and maximum of $2500 and rounded to the nearest $10.
- All stipends need to be requested no later than 2 weeks prior to the end of the STP.
- Stipends cannot be directly related to the amount the attendee fundraised but rather be related to serving in a leadership role such as a team leader or program assistant.
- To submit a stipend request:
- Step 1. All stipend recipients must complete the online W9 submission:
- Step 2. All stipend recipients must complete the ACH Agreement to set up a direct deposit. Click here for accessing the ACH form and mail or scan the completed document to the FSC Finance Team at
- Honorariums to staff may be paid either to them personally (to their bank account with their paycheck) or transferred to their ministry account (cost center) – Be specific when you request
- Honorariums to non-staff will be paid by check or direct deposit (ask for form if desired)
- Submit honorarium requests (for staff or non-staff) to the finance team at: –
- Honorariums need to be submitted at least 2 weeks before the end of STP.
Note: Honorariums can be taxed at a high rate and based on individual tax elections. Be aware of the financial impact on your STP budget if paying multiple honorariums. It’s very possible to se a 20% increase in the honorarium expense if the amount is “grossed up”. A $500 honorarium “grossed up” actually costs the STP $600 for instance.
Contact List
The Directory below provides contact information across departments for commonly asked questions and inquiries. If you have any questions about who to contact for a specific question, you can always email Staff Services at
Field Support Center
- Viewing access to student cost centers (Option 2)
- Requesting Honorariums
- Cost Center Questions
- Submitting bills and W-9
- P-Card Increases
Email Contact:
- Onboarding Task Inquiries
- Weekly Updates on Onboarding Completion (Option 2)
- Cost Center and Giving Page Visibility (Option 2)
- Weekly updates for Options 2 and 3
- Additional questions for options 2 and 3
- Changes to STP Information on Collegiate Website
- Setting up Reg Fox for Attendee Registration (Option 1 and 3)
- Brainstorm Timeline and Operational Planning
Additional resources can be found at
- Workday access and issues (for option 2 attendees)
- Questions about Staff Financial Center (SFC) OPTION 2 Only
- Navigator Store Questions for Fundraising Materials (Options 2 or 3)
- Navigator Email Questions (Option 2)
- Miscellaneous questions
719-594-2323 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm MST
Changes to STP Information on Collegiate Website
- Ryan Arra – Collegiate STP Administrator
719-594-2278 - Collin Russ – Collegiate Operations Manager
2024 STP Directors:
Title: Disciplemaking Intensive (DMI)
Director: Loyce Nelson
Region: Florida
Title: Jax STP
Director: Adam and Cassidy Purdy
Email: and Region: Mid America/Central Plains
Title: Lake Geneva STP
Director: Logan Watson
Region: IL/IN and Great Lakes
Title: Snow Mountain Ranch
Director: Tucker Bennett
Region: PAC NW and Rocky Mountain Region
Title: Beach STP
Director: Albert Tzeng
Region: Blue Ridge
Title: Ekklesia
Directors: Brendan Mahar
Region: Northeast
Title: Denver Workplace Training Program
Director: Maralee Whitey
Region: Rocky Mountain Region
Title: East Coast Discipleship Program
Director: Andrew Banks
Region: Mid Atlantic
Title: Estes Park STP
Director: Ryan Mullarkey
Region: Sunland
Title: Pacific Sunland Summer
Director: Tobie Owl
Region: Sunland
Title: Next Generation STP (D4L)
Directors: Don and DeAnn Fraser
Email: and
Region: Maryland
Additional Contacts
To invite a World Missions staff to speak and present at an STP:
Katie Greiner
Vehicle accidents, personal injury, Workmans Comp., etc.:
- Jeff Wilson at:
Vendor Contracts, International Students attending STP:
Note: All contracts must be approved through CARM prior to signing and should be reviewed no later than a couple of months before the start of the STP. The sooner the better!
International students hoping to attend an STP should be connected with Stacey who can provide guidelines and information.
- Michelle Alvis at:
Driver Authorizations, Meeting and Activity insurance:
- Cindy Caruso at
Child Protection Training and Documents, Safety and First Aid:
- Dan Kurtz at
TDC Administrator: Patti Morrissey
Resources for:
- Coaching
- Leadership and Supervision
- Personal and Professional Growth
- Team Building
- Relational Health
MPD Resources:
- Navigator’s MPD Website:
- Navigator’s Short Term Fundraising training on Learn Upon:
- Go to
- Click “register now” and create an account.
- To complete the course, inside the portal, search for “MPD Short Term Fundraising” and enroll.
Download Example Funding Packet.